"...Set on a council estate in South London on 'Bonfire' night, the film follows a young street gang, with 'Moses' (John Boyega), 'Pest' (Alex Esmail), 'Dennis' (Franz Drameh), 'Jerome' (Leeon Jones) and 'Biggz' (Simon Howard). While they are mugging nurse 'Sam' (Jodie Whittaker), a fiery object falls from the sky, crashing through the roof of a nearby car. When they investigate, they discover a creature from the meteor and they kill it. Soon more aliens crash land and the gang has to defend themselves and their council estate from the alien invaders..."
Big Talk Productions, noted for the features "Shaun of the Dead", "Hot Fuzz" and the Toronto-lensed "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World", produced the film with Film4, The UK Film Council and StudioCanal.
Sony Pictures' Screen Gems, will release the film in Toronto, July 29, 2011.
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