Written by Marcus Dustan and Patrick Melton, the film stars Danielle Panabaker, Matt Bush, Chris Zylka, David Koechner, Meagan Tandy, Paul James Jordan, Jean-Luc Bilodeau, Hector Jimenez, Adrian Martinez, Clu Gulager, Gary Busey, Katrina Bowden, Ving Rhames, Christopher Lloyd and Paul Scheer :
"Although they came to get wet, get loaded and get some, the staff and patrons get more than they bargained for when they must face the fiercest, most bloodthirsty piranhas yet.

"Lead by the strong-willed, studious 'Maddy' and her friends, 'Barry' and 'Kyle', the trio must dive in and take on these man-eating creatures using every ounce of their being... "
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Piranha 3DD"...