Take another look @ a mid-credits sequence during "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", revealing Marvel Comics' mutant the 'Scarlet Witch' (Elizabeth Olsen) and her mutant brother 'Quicksilver' (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), soon to be seen in "Avengers: Age Of Ultron" :
The two characters are currently appearing in director Joss Whedon's currently shooting "Avengers" sequel, "Avengers: Age Of Ultron".
Scarlet Witch and her brother 'Quicksilver' were part of the 'second generation' of Marvel's "The Avengers" comic book team, originally recruited by 'Iron Man', under the leadership of 'Captain America'.
The character has featured in four decades of Marvel continuity.
Scarlet Witch has also appeared in other Marvel-endorsed products including animated films, arcade/video games, television series and merchandise, including action figures and trading cards.
She can use her hexes to light flammable objects, contain or remove air from a particular volume, deflect objects, stop the momentum of projectiles, open doors, explode objects, create force fields and deflect magical attacks.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek 'Scarlet Witch' in "Avengers: Age Of Ultron"...