Take a look @ the latest 'DC Universe Original Movie' from Warner Bros. Animation, titled "Batman and Harley Quinn" available for digital download August 15, 2017 and on 'Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack', 'Blu-ray Deluxe Giftset', 'Blu-ray Combo Pack and DVD', August 29:
Bonus Features include :
"The Harley Effect" (Featurette): 'Harley Quinn' has a deep history with the fans of the DC Universe. This featurette traces her humble roots from her creators, to those that portray her at Comic book conventions. She is a symbol of strength and beloved by many.
"Loren Lester: In His Own Voice" (Featurette): This documentary examines actor Loren Lester’s legacy with 'Batman The Animated Series', the character of 'Dick Grayson' and the popularity that surrounds Lester’s interpretation of the 'Boy Wonder'.
"A Sneak Peek at the next DC Universe Original Movie": A behind-the-scenes look at the next entry in the popular series of 'DC Universe Original Movies', featuring thoughts from the talented filmmakers and voice cast.
"From the DC Vault: Batman: The Animated Series" including "Harley and Ivy", "Harley’s Holiday", plus another sneak peek at the next DC Universe Original Movie..."
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