Monday, August 21, 2017

"Watchmen: Doomsday Clock"

Take a look @ the first variant covers in support of the upcoming 12-issue mini-series "Doomsday Clock" #1, spinning off from the "Watchmen" graphic novel and feature film, available November 22, 2017:

"There’s so much great thematic and important stuff about what the DC Universe is, what these heroes mean to us, what the world faces on a daily basis, and what these heroes, speak to me and hopefully why they speak to you," said DC Geoff Johns about the "Doomsday Clock" mini-series.

"That’s what the book is about. The book is a celebration of all of it; it’s a comic book that encompasses everything from 'Action Comics' #1 in 1938 all the way till today, and it leads the DC Universe into tomorrow with issue # 12 — like, literally tomorrow.

"There’s a lot of things that I’m excited for you guys to see..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Watchmen"...