Marvel Comics' "Avengers" #10, available November 2018, is written by Jason Aaron and illustrated by Ed McGuiness, David Marquez, Adam Kubert, with covers by Alex Ross, Ron Lim, Arthur Adams, Alan Davis, Skottie Young and George Perez:
"...after saving the world, you would think the 'Avengers' would be due some celebration. But instead the whole world seems to be gunning for them, including the new 'Defenders of the Deep', led by 'Namor', and the reimagined 'Russian Super-Soldiers of the Winter Guard'.
"And that's not to mention the shocking surprise the US government has in store for our heroes. Plus: The all-new 'Agents of Wakanda'!
"Then the mystery of the Avengers of 1,000,000 BC deepens! A key revelation concerning the resurrection of 'Wolverine'! And the next startling new Avenger is revealed..."
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Avengers: Infinity War"...