Sunday, July 21, 2019

'Scarlet Witch' in "WandaVision"

Marvel Studios "WandaVision" the live-action Disney+ TV series, set in the 1950's, is reportedly based on Marvel Comics "House of M" storyline (2005), starring Elizabeth Olsen' as 'Wanda Maximoff' the reality-altering 'Scarlet Witch' and Paul Bettany as the android 'Vision', shooting Fall 2019 for a Spring 2021 streaming release:

"I would love to appear in a 'House of M' story," said Olsen. 

"...which is a comic book series of 'The Vision' and 'Scarlet Witch'...

"...having a make-believe family.

"Then they have to tell Wanda she was make-believing the entire time...

"...and she has a very traumatic experience...

"House of M", the eight-issue comic book limited series was written by Brian Michael Bendis and illustrated by Olivier Coipel, with 'mutant' superhero 'Scarlet Witch' believing she has a family with the android 'Vision', but has actually suffered a mental breakdown... she tries to alter the fabric of reality to recreate her lost children. 

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek 'Scarlet Witch'...