"Synchronic:, a science fiction 'time travel' feature, directed by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, stars Jamie Dornan ("Fifty Shades of Grey") and Anthony Mackie ("The Falcon and the Winter Soldier") will be released on digital and video on demand, January 29, 2021:
"....the lives of two paramedics in New Orleans are ripped apart after a series of deaths are caused by a new designer drug. 'Steve' is a ladies man and 'Dennis' is married with two children. In their work as paramedics on the late shift they begin to encounter a series of people dead or in a strange state. After some exploration they discover it relates to the drug 'Synchronic'.
"When Steve discovers he only has six weeks to live, he decides to buy up all the Synchronic in town to protect others - only to discover he has a time travel pill that may help to find his partner's missing daughter, 'Brianna'. Steve chronicles how the pill works with different forms of ingestion affecting different scales of time travel until he finally returns to the tension of trying to discover what happened to the girl..."
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