Thursday, March 4, 2021

"Secret Invasion" on Disney+

While a new government seems to be deliberately dismantling and destroying from within, Marvel Studios is moving fast on prepping the new 'political paranoia'  live action TV series "Secret Invasion", adapting the Marvel Comics title about a long-term infiltration by shape-shifting 'Skrull' aliens who replace people in the 'Marvel Universe':

"...The Invasion is here!! The 'Marvel Universe' is in shambles. The 'Skrull Empire' plan has birthed itself into perfection. 
"The shape-shifting alien race known as 'Skrulls' have been infiltrating the world's superhero teams and government agencies in an attempt to claim the planet. 

"Who's a Skrull? Who do you trust? The time to ponder is over. 

"Today, the Skrulls have taken actions that cannot be concealed. The 'Secret Invasion' isn't a secret any more..."

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