"Amphibia", the animated TV series created by Matt Braly starring Brenda Song, Anna Akana, Justin Felbinger, Bill Farmer and Amanda Leighton, will premiere Season Three October 2, 2021 on Disney Channel:
"...'Anne Boonchuy' (Song), after stealing a mysterious music box on her birthday, is separated from her friends 'Sasha Waybright' (Akana) and 'Marcy Wu' (Haley Tju), then magically transported to the world of 'Amphibia,' a wild marshland tropical island full of anthropomorphic amphibians and threatening creatures. Anne is taken in by the 'Plantars', a family of frogs living in the town of 'Wartwood.
"As she bonds with her newfound family, Anne gradually learns what it means to be a hero and develop a true friendship, all the while trying to find her friends and return home..."
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