Production continues on Allspark Animation's CG cartoon series, "Magic: The Gathering", adapting the valuable trading card game, streaming Summer 2022 on Netflix:
"...the 'Magic: The Gathering' collectible card game was created by Richard Garfield...
...and released in 1993 by Wizards of the Coast, now a subsidiary of toy giant Hasbro.
"Noted as the first 'fantasy' trading card game, with more than twenty billion cards produced, premise of the game is a battle between 'wizard planeswalkers' who cast spells...
"Noted as the first 'fantasy' trading card game, with more than twenty billion cards produced, premise of the game is a battle between 'wizard planeswalkers' who cast spells...
...use artifacts and summon creatures depicted on individual cards, to defeat their opponents, by draining them of their 20 'starting life' points..."
New cards are released on a regular basis through expansion sets...
New cards are released on a regular basis through expansion sets...
...with certain cards monetarily valuable due to their rarity in production and utility in gameplay...