Based on "Wonder Warthog" creator Gilbert Shelton's 1960's "The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers" underground comix, the new cartoon TV series "The Freak Brothers", animated by Starburns Industries ("Rick & Morty"), stars 'Freewheelin' Franklin' (Woody Harrelson), 'Phineas' (Pete Davidson), 'Fat Freddy' (John Goodman) and 'Fat Freddy's Cat' aka 'Kitty' (Tiffany Haddish), now available on TUBI:
...back in 1969 when the 'Freaks' weren’t hanging out at 'Woodstock', they were dodging the 'Narcs' and steady employment.
"But after smoking a magic strain of weed, laid-back 'Franklin', paranoid 'Phineas', man-child 'Freddy', and sardonic 'Kitty' are 'Rip-Van-Winkled' into the future.
"They wake up 50 years later in their renovated house, which is now owned by the 'Switzers' -- a family of ethnically diverse 'trippin’ squares'.
"While the tech-savvy Switzers help guide the Freaks through the rat race of a strange new world...
"...the Freaks – who are unburdened by the baggage of modern life – help the family embrace the values of a simpler time.."
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