"DC League of Super=Pets" is the new CG-animated feature based on DC Comics' family of crime-fighting animals, directed by Jared Stern and Sam Levine, starring Dwayne Johnson as the voice of 'Krypto the Superdog' and Kevin Hart as 'Ace the Bat-Hound', with Kate McKinnon, John Krasinski, Vanessa Bayer, Natasha Lyonne, Diego Luna and Keanu Reeves, targeting a July 29, 2022 theatrical release :
"...when the 'Justice League' are kidnapped, 'Krypto', the alien super-dog belonging to 'Superman', forms a team of shelter pets with super powers...
"...including 'Ace' who becomes super strong, a pig named 'PB', who can grow to giant size, a turtle named 'Merton', who becomes super fast and a squirrel named 'Chip', who gains electric powers..."
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