"...the saga begins with the origin story, when a brave team of space explorers, 'Keith', 'Lance', 'Sven', 'Hunk' and 'Pidge', search for the keys to five mythical robot lions on the planet 'Arus'.
"Arus has been destroyed by the armies of 'King Zarkon' and his use of giant 'Robeast' monsters created by the witch 'Haggar'. The planet's only hope lies in the discovery of these five robot lions, which combine together to form the mighty robot, 'Voltron: Defender of the Universe'..."
The original "Voltron" cartoon series was created by Peter Keefe in 1983 using material licensed from the Japanese cartoons "Beast King GoLion" and 'Armored Fleet Dairugger XV".
The producers had no means of translating the Japanese series into English, so they created all-new dialogue, editing out the more violent scenes and remixing the audio into a stereo format. Subsequently the series was an immediate hit in North America, topping the syndication market for children's programs in the mid-1980's.
A "Voltron" live-action feature is also currently in development, thanks to the billion dollar success of the "Transformers" movie franchise, based on the Hasbro 'mecha' toys.
"Voltron: The Legend Begins" will be released August 16, 2011.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Voltron"...