"...in this brand-new take on the classic 'Voltron' animated adventure, players will find themselves teaming up to battle the evil forces of 'King Zarkon' across the varied landscapes of 'Planet Arus'. Interwoven with clips from the original animated television series, the new game from THQ promises a re-mastered adventure in stunning high-definition.
"Voltron fans can finally relive some of the most defining moments from the classic series, or even introduce a new generation of young 'Space Explorers', as they command any of the individual 'Lions' or even team up to form Voltron and wield his epic blazing sword..."
"We really wanted to create a game that’s exciting, true to the original series and challenging to play,” said Peter Armstrong, executive producer. “All of us here are big fans of classic 'Voltron' and we’re really proud of what we have created."