"...According to local news reports, a street performer has been running around downtown Toronto, scaring the hell out of shoppers, dressed up in a padded costume from 'Jokeland', trying to impersonate Christian Bale as 'Batman'.
"But there should be more respect for the real thing.
"For as long as I can remember, I can go into a 'special' trance, allowing me to astral-project into another fully dimensional form. I know its bizarre, but it is true.
"In this physical state, I can keep myself fully charged by absorbing powerful electrical currents, derived from strong turbine engines.
"In Your Dreams,
"But there should be more respect for the real thing.
"For as long as I can remember, I can go into a 'special' trance, allowing me to astral-project into another fully dimensional form. I know its bizarre, but it is true.
"In this physical state, I can keep myself fully charged by absorbing powerful electrical currents, derived from strong turbine engines.
"My point is, there should be some respect for the REAL superheroes that live in this town, patrolling this city on a daily basis, doing their part to make Toronto a better place to live, work and play.
"I will be watching you. You can count on that...
"In Your Dreams,
your friend
'Toronto Catwoman'..."