Marvel Comics' "Weapons Of Mutant Destruction: Alpha" #1, available June 21, 2017, is written by Greg Pak and illustrated by Mahmud Asrar, with covers by Skan, Pasqual Ferry and Ron Lim:
"...for years, the 'Weapon X Program', engineering the deadliest mutants on planet Earth, was thought to be decommissioned.
"Now, the Weapon X program is deadlier than ever and under the leadership of its mysterious new director, with a new mission to exterminate all mutants.
"On their hit-list are some of the deadliest mutants the 'Marvel Universe' has ever known.
"However, the key to achieving their master plan of a mutant massacre is missing one vital target -- 'Amadeus Cho', the 'Totally Awesome Hulk'..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek the evolution of "Hulk"...