Take a look at new footage from the final episodes of the award-winning CG-animated series "Star Wars Rebels", returning February 19, 2018 on Disney XD, including 'Emperor Palpatine' voiced by actor Ian McDiarmid, reprising his role from the "Star Wars" live-action films:
"...in 'Star Wars Rebels', fourteen years after the fall of the 'Galactic Republic' and the 'Jedi Order' in 'Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith'...
"...a motley group of rebels unite aboard the freighter starship 'Ghost'...
"...to conduct covert operations against the 'Imperial' garrison on the planet 'Lothal' and on other planets menaced by the 'Galactic Empire'..."
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Star Wars Rebels"...