Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige, running down a list of Marvel characters in consideration for live-action films, confirmed Marvel Comics' "Nova", has "immediate potential" :
"...when the last surviving member of the elite 'Nova Corps', 'Rhomann Dey', is dying, he selects New York high school student 'Richard Rider' to replace him. Rider is given the uniform and powers of a 'Nova Centurion' but little instruction on how to use them. Calling himself 'Nova', Rider becomes a superhero, fighting 'Condor', 'Powerhouse', 'Diamondhead', the 'Corruptor' and the 'Sphinx'.
"Rider discovers Dey's space ship orbiting Earth and uses it to journey to 'Xandar' with 'Doctor Sun', 'Powerhouse', 'Comet' and 'Crimebuster', where they join Xandar's war against the 'Skrulls'. With the help of 'Rom the 'Space Knight', the Skrulls are defeated..."
"We have a big board with a bunch of characters that have more 'immediate potential'," said Feige. "'Nova' is on that board, because of the connection to the 'Guardians' universe.
"It is a very unique embarrassment of riches right now because there are so many characters that audiences are clamoring to see..."
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