The ghost-hunting comedy TV series "Truth Seekers", created by Nick Frost, Simon Pegg, James Serafinowicz and Nat Saunders, starring Frost, Malcolm McDowell, Emma D'Arcy, Samson Kayo, Pegg, Susie Wokoma and Julian Barratt, has been canceled by Amazon Prime Video after one season, that according to Frost is "...a massive kick in the willy..."
"Sadly, 'Truth Seekers' will not be returning for a second season," said Frost. "Truth Seekers has not been renewed, which is a massive kick in the willy for me. We really put our all into this – our heart and soul, and blood in some cases, so to not come back is really sad for us.
"It's a shame. I think we had lots of lovely ghost stories to tell – stories that will remain now untold. If you liked the show, thank you. And if you didn't, are you happy now? "
" 'Truth Seekers', a team of part-time paranormal investigators team up to uncover and film ghost sightings across the UK, sharing their adventures on an online channel.
"However, as they stake out haunted churches, underground bunkers and abandoned hospitals with their array of homemade ghost-detecting gizmos, their supernatural experiences grow more frequent, more terrifying and even deadly, as they begin to uncover a conspiracy..."
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