"Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" is the upcoming superhero feature, directed by Sam Raimi ("The Evil Dead"), starring Benedict Cumberbatch ("Sherlock") based on the Marvel Comics character 'Doctor Strange', produced by Marvel Studios and intended to be the sequel to Doctor Strange (2016) as the 28th film in the 'Marvel Cinematic Universe', opening March 25, 2022:
"...'Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness' follows the events of 'Avengers: Endgame', as 'Dr. Stephen Strange' continues his research on the 'Time Stone'. But an old friend turned enemy seeks to destroy every sorcerer on Earth, messing with Strange's plan and causing him to unleash an unspeakable evil..."
character of 'Clea', the main love interest and disciple of 'Doctor
Strange', was created by writer Stan Lee and illustrator, co-plotter
Steve Ditko, debuting in "Strange Tales" #126 (November 1964).
Maternally related to the inter-dimensional 'Faltine' race of energy beings, Clea is the daughter of 'Umar' and niece of 'Dormammu'.
As 'Sorceress Supreme' of the Dark Dimension, Clea possesses knowledge of magical lore through extensive studies of sorcery under her teacher and lover, Doctor Strange, who also trained her in hand-to-hand combat.
She also possesses vast powers involving manipulation of the forces of magic for a variety of effects, including transmutation, forming and throwing magical bolts of concussive energy...
...conjuring objects and energies...
...teleporting, telekinesis, levitation, mesmerism, thought-casting, mind-control, the casting of illusions...
...and the tapping of extra-dimensional energy by invoking entities...
...or objects of power existing in dimensions tangential to Earth's through the recitation of spells.
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As 'Sorceress Supreme' of the Dark Dimension, Clea possesses knowledge of magical lore through extensive studies of sorcery under her teacher and lover, Doctor Strange, who also trained her in hand-to-hand combat.
She also possesses vast powers involving manipulation of the forces of magic for a variety of effects, including transmutation, forming and throwing magical bolts of concussive energy...
...conjuring objects and energies...
...teleporting, telekinesis, levitation, mesmerism, thought-casting, mind-control, the casting of illusions...
...and the tapping of extra-dimensional energy by invoking entities...
...or objects of power existing in dimensions tangential to Earth's through the recitation of spells.
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