Take a look at "The Suicide Squad" live-action superhero feature based on the DC Comics characters, produced by DC Films, Atlas Entertainment and The Safran Company, intended to be a standalone sequel to "Suicide Squad", starring Margot Robbie, Idris Elba, John Cena, Joel Kinnaman, Sylvester Stallone, Viola Davis, Jai Courtney, and Peter Capaldi, releasing theatrically and on HBO Max, August 6, 2021:
"...a colorful group of dangerous, perverted....
"...and degenerate convicts, imprisoned at 'Belle Reve' penitentiary...
"...are sent as assault team members of 'Task Force X'...
"...to the South American island of 'Corto Maltese'...
"...to destroy 'Jotunheim', a notorious, clandestine laboratory...
"...known to have held political prisoners...
"...while conducting unholy and monstrous experiments..."
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