"...Iggy and the Stooges 'Raw Power Live: In the Hands of the Fans' is the visual document of the reformed Stooges' (Iggy Pop, Scott Asheton, James Williamson, Steve Mackay, Mike Watt) 'Raw Power' performance @ the All Tomorrow's Parties Festival, Friday, September 3, 2010.
"'Iggy Pop', now 63, was well aware that his body language translated into still photographs resembling Mannerist paintings..."
"Getting this top-notch performance of the entire 'Raw Power' album by The Stooges realized a life long dream," said Iggy . "We are so obviously a crack band in a class of our own."
MVD launched the 'In the Hands of the Fans' series to utilize the energy and talents of fans.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek Iggy and the Stooges - "Raw Power Live: In the Hands of the Fans"...